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Hi! I'm Charlotte, an internationally certified child and infant sleep consultant. I am based in Christchurch, New Zealand. I have  a husband, Tim, and two gorgeous children, Arlo and Kenzie. 


When I am not helping tired families, I am teaching young children! I am a primary school teacher with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Music and Education. 

When Arlo was born, we were excited to start our family and enjoy our usual weekend activities of getting out and about. This became a distant memory as I had a cranky baby who wouldn't sleep well and it became increasingly exhausting and stressful. I researched as much as I could, purchased many sleep guides and took what I could see working from each to help teach Arlo to sleep independently.


I went back to work when he was just 19 weeks old 4 days a week. We were fortunate enough to have grandparents who were able to look after him two days a week and preschool two days a week. This meant that Arlo needed to know how to fall asleep independently and be on a routine that everyone could follow. We all thrived on routine and this became the start of our wonderful sleep journey. 


We then had Kenzie, our little pocket rocket who tested all my knowledge as she was the opposite to Arlo in many ways. I experienced sleep deprivation again, reached out to a sleep consultant and learned a whole lot more! 


Without good sleep it is easy to focus on the “parenting is hard” aspect and miss the wonderful moments that parenting brings. Let me help you and your family, rest well to live well.

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